Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Songbird Media Player for PC/Android mobile.

 The Songbird is a free and fast and open source software audio player and web browser, with a stated mission "to incubate Songbird, the first Web player, to catalyze and champion a diverse, open Media Web.

Songbird utilizes the cross platform frameworks Mozilla XULRunner and GStreamer media framework, and largely capable of running on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X, Solaris and Linux. It is not supported on Linux or Solaris at this time, but users have forked Songbird and made a linux compatible version under the name Nightingale.


01.Mulch-platform compatibility with Windows XP, Vista and Mac OS X v10.5 (x86, x86-64).
02.Can play multiple audio formats, such as MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Apple Lossless and
03.Ability to play Apple FairPlay-encoded audio on Windows and Mac platforms via hooks into 
     QuickTime (authorization takes place in iTunes)04.Ability to play Windows Media DRM audio on Windows platforms
05.A skinnable interface, via feathers.
06.Media files stored on pages viewed in the browser show up as playable files in Songbird
07.MP3 file downloads.

You can download it free Click Here.


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